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Have questions? 

First-time chiropractic visit?
Frightened by those unsettling 'cracking' videos you've seen online?

Seeking answers?

Take a moment to peruse the information below.
It's not as intimidating as it may seem.

Let's start by meeting you right where you are and embarking on this journey together.

The whole in a little bite

A chiropractor is a healthcare professional dedicated to enhancing bodily function.
Our focus is on the spine, addressing issues where joints may not move correctly or spinal bones become misaligned, potentially interfering with nerve signals traveling between the brain and the body, or vice versa.

Chiropractic care typically involves spinal adjustments using a technique known as a "high velocity low amplitude" thrust. This entails swiftly moving a joint or a specific area of the spine, albeit not with a significant degree of force.

At our practice, we embrace vitalism, a concept centred around the idea that all living organisms are sustained by a non-physical, non-chemical "vital force." This theory shares commonalities with traditional Chinese Qi theory and ancient Western humoral theory.

What is Chiropractic? 

Your body's nervous system serves as the master regulator, governing every aspect of your physiological functions. It's responsible for tasks as varied as controlling your heartbeat and enabling you to grip your morning coffee.
This intricate network also oversees the healing and maintenance processes, ensuring everything functions optimally. Millions of messages constantly traverse your body, traveling up and down your spinal cord, coordinating the activities of your organs, tissues, and cells on a daily basis.

However, when a 'vertebral subluxation' occurs, it can disrupt global movement patterns, muscle equilibrium, and even impact the operation of organs, including the production of chemicals and hormones. It's worth noting that many subluxations may not be associated with pain, yet they consistently diminish the body's innate ability to express life and operate efficiently.

Chiropractic care represents the art of healing that harnesses the body's inherent capacity to self-regulate, with the spine serving as the focal point. At HandCrafted Chiropractic, our approach is designed to facilitate the unimpeded flow of nerve signals from your body to your brain, enabling your innate ability to heal and flourish to its full potential.

From the Inside Out, we are here to support your well-being.

What do I get out of it?

Chiropractic outcomes vary from person to person, with many experiencing:

  • Enhanced energy and vitality

  • Improved flexibility, strength, and muscle coordination

  • Better posture

  • Increased functionality

  • Improved emotional well-being

  • Reduced muscle tension

  • Enhanced concentration

  • Better sleep quality

  • Increased productivity and performance

  • Improved stress management

  • Reduced spinal degeneration

  • Alleviation of pain and symptoms

What causes a vertebral subluxation?

Vertebral subluxation is a term commonly used in chiropractic care to describe a misalignment or dysfunction of the vertebrae in the spine. Causes include:

  1. Physical Trauma: Accidents, falls, or injuries can lead to spinal misalignments.

  2. Poor Posture: Habitual poor posture, such as slouching or sitting for extended periods, can contribute to spinal issues.

  3. Repetitive Motion: Engaging in repetitive movements or activities that strain the spine can lead to subluxations over time.

  4. Emotional Stress: Emotional stress can result in muscular tension and affect spinal alignment.

  5. Inadequate Nutrition: Poor diet and nutritional deficiencies may impact the health of the musculoskeletal system.

  6. Environmental Toxins: Exposure to environmental toxins and pollutants might contribute to subluxations.

  7. Inherited Factors: Genetic predispositions and congenital conditions could affect spinal alignment.

  8. Inflammation: Inflammatory processes in the body may influence the spine's integrity.

Chiropractors believe that identifying and correcting vertebral subluxations through spinal adjustments can help improve the body's overall function and well-being.

How do we treat a vertebral subluxation?

A chiropractic adjustment is a manual procedure performed by a licensed chiropractor to adjust and realign the spine and musculoskeletal system.
The goal of a chiropractic adjustment is to correct vertebral subluxations, which are believed to be misalignments or dysfunctions in the spine.
Chiropractors use their hands or specialised instruments to apply controlled, precise force to specific areas of the spine or joints, with the intention of restoring proper alignment and function.

The process typically involves the following steps:

1. Evaluation: The chiropractor assesses your medical history, conducts a physical examination, and may use diagnostic imaging (like X-rays) to identify subluxations and assess the overall health of the spine.

2. Patient Positioning: You are positioned on a chiropractic table in a specific manner, depending on the targeted area of adjustment.

3. Application of Force: The chiropractor applies a controlled and swift force to the targeted vertebrae or joints. This force is often accompanied by a characteristic popping or cracking sound, which is the release of gas bubbles from the joint.

4. Post-Adjustment Guidance: After the adjustment, the chiropractor may provide advice on posture, exercise, and lifestyle modifications to support your overall well-being and prevent future subluxations.

Chiropractic adjustments are believed to promote proper nerve function, reduce pain, improve mobility, and enhance overall health.
They are commonly used to address conditions such as back pain, neck pain, headaches, and musculoskeletal issues. 

What happens during my first visit?

When you book in at HandCrafted Chiropractic firstly an email will be sent with a confirmation as well as a link to our online intake forms. These will only take you 5 mins to complete and must be done prior to your arrival. 
When you arrive you will be greeted by our friendly and welcoming team. 

We will then discuss the reason of your visit as well as any other vital information. Once we have enough information about your current health we will continue onto a physical examination. This consists of a thorough spinal, postural, orthopaedic, neurological and functional tests. You will be referred for any further tests/exams if they are required. 

Now we can discuss a plan HandCrafted to your specific needs. 


If you have been injured (in NZ) and you meet the ACC requirements.
ACC will cover a portion of your care (co-pay applies).
There is no need for a GP referral as we can provide the paperwork needed and take care of the claim for you. 

Health Insurance?

Some health insurance policies do cover chiropractic care.
It is best to check directly with your insurance provider.
You will be required to pay in full at the time of your HandCrafted Chiropractic appointment.
A receipt will be emailed to you which can be used to make a claim with your insurance provider directly.

How can I help myself?

There are several methods to lessen the severity of subluxations in your body and decrease the likelihood of their occurrence. Some avoidable causes of subluxations include maintaining poor posture, using an unsupportive mattress, using the wrong pillow height, having an improperly arranged workspace, wearing high heels, experiencing dehydration, and using incorrect lifting techniques.
You can seek advice from your chiropractor regarding these issues. Additionally, practices like regular exercise, stretching, maintaining a balanced diet, ensuring adequate rest, nurturing positive thoughts, and managing stress can all help minimize the risk of subluxations.
It's worth noting that while certain factors leading to subluxations can be controlled, some external forces or stresses are beyond your control. This is why we recommend regular check-ups with your chiropractor, even when you are not experiencing pain.


We're available all week. 

Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 12pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10:30am - 5:00pm

Friday 10am - 5

Times outside of this can be arranged

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